There seems to be something in the news lately about public health. Something about farm animals and influenza. What could it be?
Hmmm. Could it be
swine flu? Yep, and the media have another topic to talk to death. I am not meaning to belittle this sometimes fatal infliction, but wish to put it in perspective. In 2007, there were over 4,500 pedestrian deaths due to accidents with cars. There were an additional 70,000 pedestrians injured due to the same. Yet we all still cross the street just as many fail to wash their hands after using the bathroom or before eating. Just think of all the boogers that have been wiped on door handles and banisters. It does not matter if it was intentional or not, the treasures are there and it 'snot funny. The same folks who refuse to practice this simple
hygiene measure are the same ones who are avoiding pork products in an effort to stay healthy. Yo, booger brains, one does not get swine flu from eating swine, one gets it from being in contact with an infected swine, or being in contact with one who has been in contact with one who has been in contact...with an infected swine.
I did, however, read something interesting about this particular strain. It seems that the ones who are dying from it are the ones healthier than the normal population. There is speculation that these individuals have a stronger immunity, thus a stronger immune response. It is the strong response that is killing some of them, not the virus itself. As Arte Johnson would say "
Veeeeery interesting." If you have to ask, you're a pup.