Saturday, March 27, 2010

Miracle on ice part II

In 2003 I said, "Well, maybe next year."
In 2004 I said, "Well, maybe next year."
In 2005 I said, "Well, maybe next year."
In 2006 I said, "Well, maybe next year."
In 2007 I said ,"Well, maybe next year."
In 2008 I said, "Well, maybe next year."
In 2009 I said, "Well, maybe next year."


So I was watching the tube in one room and shouted to my wife and daughter who were in the other room to turn on the game to check out the "New and improved" score. There was a lull in the action for a couple of moments when the silence was interrupted by a 10 year old girl screaming "Drop the puck!" I went to the room where they were and my daughter looked at me and said, "Well the ref was just standing there so I told him to drop the puck."

I don't know where she picks this behavior. At least she didn't curse Ala V.P. Biden.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ranting and Celebrating

I have finished another journey around the Sun today and celebrated by taking a furlough day. So far I spent it by bringing our daughter to the bus stop, then driving all the way to her school to deliver her eyeglasses which she forgot, taking a mini nap, spending about 3 hours at Snowbowl. I also bought ice cream for tonight's desert and some crickets for the bearded dragon. President Obama celebrated my birthday by signing into law a piece of legislation that will increase the financial and medical security for all. Yes, for all! I reflected on how lucky I am to have employer provided health insurance, and how cool 50.34% of the house of representatives have the nerve to think nearly EVERYONE should be allowed to purchase health insurance from A PRIVATE HEATH INSURANCE COMPANY WITH THEIR OWN MONEY. I repeat: WITH THEIR OWN MONEY. Imagine the audacity to think people should not be denied insurance for no reason other than imperfect genes. It seems the remaining 49.66% of the House has a problem with people buying health insurance and want to take it away. Maybe they should start with eliminating their health insurance benefit first.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

At finer bookstores nowhere.

Kurt's Dictionary

March: 1) A five letter word for still snowing in Flag. 2) Statistically the snowiest month in Flag 3) Ha! You thought we were getting close to spring. 4) The month before the playoffs start.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Corrupt Chimichangas and Girl Scouts in Congress

I could not decide weather to blog about inane daily activities, or take a political stance tonight, so I will do both.

For dinner tonight I decided to corrupt the general chimichanga by using multi grain tortillas, ground turkey, and mashed garbanzo beans instead of the standard ingredients. This was followed by a simply pan fry. The result was a light, clean taste, but still filling and satisfying. Of course there was cheese. I'm not THAT odd. After dinner, I contemplated the delightful congress we have. I have concluded that our congress is so ineffective that it could not pass a bill involving no public funds that would provide any U.S. citizen that wanted any, either a FREE box of Girl Scouts Thin Mint cookies or a bag of jelly beans. The Republicans would balk at the bill because it is the individual's responsibility to buy their own damn sweets; the federal government should not take care of our snacking needs. The Democrats would throw a fit because the cookies and jelly beans are not all natural and/or organic. That and Ronald Reagan liked Jelly Beans.