Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Although the thunder boomed and the sky lit up today, there did not seem to be a whole lot of rain. The operative word is seem. As I was leaving work, there were numerous puddles, and when I got home, there was about 1/4 inch of water in the rain gauge, which I am sure leaks. Now you folks in Brownsville (Thanks, Dolly) may laugh at this, but for us folks in Flag 1/4 inch in less than an hour is pretty damp. As much as I love the monsoons, the down side is that the humidity keeps it from cooling down at night - here we are at 8:15 and it is still above 70 degrees outside and around 75 in the house. How can we be expected to sleep with it this warm? It makes it hard to believe that in about 2 months or less, we can expect freezing temperatures for the overnight lows.

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