Monday, July 28, 2008

Would You Like Some Mercaptan With That?

My parents have commented that when they are visiting, we never fail to run into smebody I know no matter where we go in Flagstaff. I have argued this point, but have realized it is a losing battle. A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I went to the U-Haul place to fill the back-up propane bottle for the grill and were amazed to find only one other customer there. Usually the place is Flag's version of Grand Central with at least a 30 minute wait. As luck would have it, another customer arrived with his back up bottle to be filled and it wound up to be someone I know from one of the watering holes near town. I expect to run into folks I know at the mall, or even the hardware or grocery stores, but 9:00 at the propane place is quite unexpected, especially considering the number of propane dispensaries to choose from. Happy Grilling!

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