Sunday, August 10, 2008

Finally! Really, FINALLY!

After months of struggling, we FINALLY broke down and took our daughter and her bike to a park with a gentle grassy slope for bike riding practice. The trip began with our daughter telling me NOT to put her bike in the van because she wasn't going to practice. When she found out her bike was in the van, she protested loudly and insisted that she wasn't going to ride her bike, but instead play with her friend that was with us. When we got to the park she complained that she didn't get to play, but instead had to practice her "stupid old bike." Her friend and I went off to the playground while our daughter and Patty (the other third of the family unit) went of to the other part of the park so Kim could practice riding her stupid old bike that she was NEVER going to learn to ride. Less than 5 minutes later, this happened.

1 comment:

Me said...
