Monday, September 22, 2008

700 billion points of light

Things to/not to do with 700 billion dollars.

1) Give $100 plus some change to every person on earth. Not
2) Reward global corporations for poor bets - no questions asked. Not
3) Reward global corporations for poor bets - some questions asked. Probably
4) Reward individual families for poor housing decisions. Not
5) Push for a new regulatory bureaucracy while campaigning as an anti-bureaucracy,
anti regulation maverick. Yep
6) Give it to me. Not
7) Use it for leverage to get votes away from the party of a former beauty queen.
8) Use it to explain why the opposite political party is to blame for everything
instead of working to solve the problem. Yep
9) Empower international banking and investing executives - give them whatever they
ask for whenever they ask for it. Absolutely!
10) Piss off the American taxpayers. DUH!!!

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