Monday, September 8, 2008

ODe to Automobiles

Oh, driver of the cherokee
Why did you turn in front of me?
I left a pretty skid,
I did.
Skipped a beat, did my heart.
And now I can not fart
Because puckered is my ass
And my language is crass.
It must be a strange sight
To see a bike
In the BIKE LANE of a college town
Even one that almost laid down
You, dear driver, owe me a whiskey
To keep my nerves from being frisky

(In your defense, a city bus had just passed me.)
(In my defense, there was PLENTY of time for you to see me.)

(note the most commonly accepted spelling of the beverage)


Me said...
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Me said...

Maybe the title should be "Ode to Dumb-ass Drivers". Glad you are ok.