Sunday, October 5, 2008

Capitalism in the forest.

As I had hoped for, there was a dusting of snow on the peaks today and I am sure it increased the turn out for the annual Flagstaff Ski Club ski swap. We headed out to the Flagstaff Nordic Center for their fall fest. A friend told us about it and the $5.00 parking fee. What she didn't mention was the $5.00 per person fee on top of that. I am still trying to figure out what the $5.00 per person covered. There were games the kids could play, but if they wanted to try for a prize, there was a charge. The food was not free, nor were the pumpkins. I guess the hay ride was free, as was the "stick buddy" which turned out to be a small paper bag with a face drawn on it, stuffed with straw and tied to a stick. The bird seed and peanut butter covered pine cone bird feeder was also free. Now where would one find sticks and pine cones in the middle of all dem pines? Overall it was a good time, but someone is makin' a buck off of it.

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