Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wow Lao Ben Baw?

Last night after getting flu shots, we went out for Chinese food. As it turned out our waitress was from Thailand so I thought I'd ask (in Thai) where she was from. It has been over 20 years since I lived there and my tones are usually a little off, but I was surprised by what came out of my mouth. All I wanted to say was "mah jahk nai?" but out came "mah deh sai?" The waitress looked confused for a second, then laughed-smiled and said "That's not even Thai!" My response was "Well, yes, but it's the northeastern dialect." (In dialect) She agreed. The problem was that I couldn't for the life of me speak Thai, and was left "wowing lao." Fortunately the waitress was from Issan. For a few moments, English was also a problem. Is this a reaction to the vaccine?
On the other hand, our daughter is quite ill today with an "overactive gut" which means she had something before the shot. Massive purging. No fever, no aches, no headache. Just purging.

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