Sunday, March 15, 2009

Can U Cipher And Drive At The Same Time

As I age I find that I sometimes drive slower than molasses on a Minnesota midwinter midnight (AKA about the speed limit.) This usually does not prove to be an issue unless it is on a 7 mile long 2 lane winding road terminating at Snowbowl. For some reason people want to drive over 50 MPH on this posted 30-35 MPH road in the hopes that they will get more skiing in if they reach the parking lot 3-4 minutes faster. So they pass me in the no passing zone (the entire road.) I keep thinking they will be stupid enough to take the corners at a high rate of speed, but they seem to come to their senses for those. I know these 3-4 minutes are important because I see these folks in the parking lot farting with their mp3 players and other accouterments d' ski/snowboard. Despite their rush to arrive quickly, I still manage to make it on the lift before them. On the other hand because I ski like the aging fart I am, they beat me down the hill and on the lift for the next trip down the slope. Once at the top of the lift, there is more farting with the previously mentioned equipment and the cycle repeats. Oh, the snow is still adequate for skiing, but probably wont be by the weekend. The demands from the piece of plastic from Arizona Snowbowl that I wear around my neck will have to go unanswered until more snow falls.

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