Thursday, March 12, 2009

Trying To Find My Way Back

I have suddenly realized that my blog has lost it's original edge of anti-seriousness and sarcasm. This is due to an extreme dose of paranoia that anything I write may be used against me in the future. I could be on trial or serve as a witness someday and have to answer to items in this blog. That is why I refrain from making comparisons between a specific upper level administrator at a specific institution of higher education and fictional humanoids with hairy feet that live in dwellings with round doors. I'm sure we can envision it now: "Now then Mr. R," said the attorney with a lilt of smugness in his voice, "Is it not true that you said the president of the university and the local mayor could get a 2-for-1 special on What Not To Wear?" I would reply something like, "No, it is quite true." The prosecution would then inquire "No, it is true?" I would then be kind enough to point out the use of a double negative in the attorney's original inquiry. That combined with the likelihood that I would be wearing a cartoon character necktie would seal my fate. So it's a good thing I don't compare people to Hobbits.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Haha! It would be a ratings smash for TLC. Cartoon necktie? It must be payday:)