Sunday, May 11, 2008

Stuck in the Middle

The Democrats nomination process is starting to begin to start to wind down. The mud slinging continues, but with less passion, and smaller dirt clods with less manure. I expect that in three weeks or so the factions will coalesce and start to make nice, just in time for the real mud bowl. I hate to admit that as the process has gone on, I have paid less and less attention to the whole pagent. Perhaps because I am neither a Democrat, nor a Republican and have no voice until the general election. Of course I made this choice, or maybe it is because I felt that the Democrats had little room for a white, heterosexual, middle class, white collar, male and left that party. On the other hand, the Republicans are reluctant to make room for those who refuse to cram one specific religious philosophy down the throat of the populace.

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