Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Comparing Apples to Rambutans, or Turnips Even.

Last night after getting Kim to bed, I started channel surfing and came across the Coyotes game. I was amazed to see the score at 5 to 3 in Phoenix's favor. Then I realized they were playing Detroit and was amazeder. Then I noticed there were 10 minutes left in the third - yup amazederer. I felt like an idiot for not finding the game earlier, but got over it quickly once the desert doggies scored again. Final score 6 - 3. The mangy mutts do not beat the Red Wings just any day, and for the second time in two days there was much happiness in Glendale, albeit different venues. In other news one of the science fair folks in charge of the judges told Kim today that "comparing things is not a science project." This leaves me wondering if comparing a "control" to an "experiment" group means it is not science. Needless to say this leaves our daughter very confused and frustrated. I think I need to find this person and ask her what she really meant. It might be that Kim needs to redesign her experiment to something that has no comparisons.

1 comment:

Me said...

I think the judge needs to go back to science class and not get some one to do their homework and exams for them.