Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Who Are Going To What?

Last week I asked whoever is responsible for making the Cardinals act non Cardinalsish to keep doing it. I would like to thank you for doing such despite the fact that you made me think you stopped doing it. Just try saying "The Arizona Cardinals are Going to the Super Bowl." without some hint of surprise/disbelief in your voice. I do not consider myself a Cardinals fan, but it is nice to see them 1) have a post season and 2) do well in said post season. The organization has been wandering the NFL wilderness in search of a win for several decades. They have asked the great NFL Pharaoh "Let our team win." on several occasions only to be told "No." As I write this, another Phoenix sports team is trailing the Oilers 4 to 3 near the end of the 2nd period. They too are wandering the wilderness in search of enough wins to have a post season. So just in case this hasn't been asked: "Oh, great Lord Stanley, let our Coyotes win." Yes, I know there are also the Suns and Diamondbacks, but my major sports hierarchy goes like this: HOCKEY! - FOOTBALL - Baseball - basketball.

1 comment:

Me said...

Here we go Steelers....Here we go!