Thursday, January 22, 2009

When Judges Lie And Suck Toes.

I planned on talking one of the science fair folks about the science fair "comparison issue" today when I was picking my daughter up for a dentist appointment, but Kim decided to just do the project she was going to do anyway. This is probably good since her past projects (involving comparisons) have done well. This is also a good thing because I didn't want to confront someone about something that is probably due to a nine-year-old's misunderstanding of the issue. I can just picture myself getting snotty and saying something like "I have a Master's degree in science and I know science so there!" with the nasal nerdish voice I have been blessed with. This would have been met with a "Well I'm a professional librarian and in charge of the judges, so there back!" Within minutes this would have moved to "Liar liar pants on fire." and "So so suck your toe all the way to Mexico." So it's a good thing Kim decided not to worry about it.

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