Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dill or Sweet?

When we were picking our daughter up from her after school program today, one of the directors informed us that she and another girl called a boy a bad name. She apologized immediately and all was well - aside from the grounding we were sure would result. We were not told what the name was and figured we would get it out of her on the drive home. Once we were in the car, I asked what the name was. Nothing could ever prepare me for this answer: "Pickle Hater." Yes, it appears that one of her classmates does not like pickles. We have not devised a punishment, but I did ask what she would think if someone called her "Lutefisk Liker." "Wouldn't care." was the response. So what is the punishment for calling someone "Pickle Hater?"


david said...

Wait until they get the mumps, then make them eat one.

Me said...

Hmmmm.....I was a bit surprised at this one. While pickles have not always been on my list of favorite foods, I have grown to enjoy them.

I like David's suggestion...or even if they get tonsillitis or strep try that technique. My only other thought is...you are on your own on this one.