Thursday, May 15, 2008

How to use a day off.

Today the building where I work is shut down for repairs/maintenance so I have the day off. Apparently the epoxy they are using on the floors is so nasty the building needs to be closed while the substance is applied and cures. It will be closed tomorrow too. Anyway, I still was up and about before 5:30. I had breakfast, put my daughter on the school bus, went grocery shopping, gassed up the truck, did the Rachael Ray clean the produce as soon as you get home thing, de-pooped the back yard, and sorted three weeks of non-vital mail all before noon. Why the hell 90% of stuff in the important mail envelopes is junk, I will never know. I suspect banks and insurance companies are heavily invested in the paper industry. The afternoon has been far less productive, but at least the back yard poop deposition machines got a walk. I plan on cooking ahead for the coming week tomorrow.

1 comment:

Me said...

Yes you were very productive. I keep getting crap pilled on my plate and I only have 1 8 hr day left before being gone a month.