Sunday, June 29, 2008

Save The Buckets!

Another weekend is drawing to an end and I wonder how many people I was able to either humor or offend. I usually manage to inadvertently do both to the same person with the same comment. My friends sem to be disappointed when I fail to take the opportunity to monopolize on onothers comment, so I usually run with the opening. This almost always works out fine, but I have had to do some fast talking on several occasions whrn the seven-foot tall 325 pound logger/sawyer in the bar does not share my sense of humor and thinks my sarcastic comment was directed at him. This is when I refrain from comments about it being wrong that such a tough tree trunk has such a thin skin -- or was that something about a stump? Oh, well. I am also under the impression that the more opportunities I pass on , the greater the pressure inside and before one knows it we have a situation reminiscent of Mr. Creosote in "The Meaning of Life." I guess I'll continue to provide commentary and conserve buckets.

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