Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Seeing What I Want To

There is a tremendous amount of construction on campus these days ranging from repairing damage to a broken water main to finishing an addition to the dining hall at the student union. There are contractors vehicles, backhoes, front end loaders, and fences everywhere. This coincides with the arrival of various conferences, incoming students and their parents for new student orientation, and other activities that result with campus crawling with people who have not seen campus without construction. As I was walking along the pedway, one of the visitors was coming the other way and commented that we had a beautiful campus. It dawned on me that even with all the mess, NAU is in a beautiful location and I was able to see past the construction and see the trees, mountains, and all else that make NAU and Flagstaff a great place to be. I will need to remember this over the next few years as several MAJOR projects are slated to start. We also just finished 3 new 80,000sqf or larger buildings.

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